
To my Kelly: From the second we met, the moment that changed my life, to this day when your ‘YES’ made it complete I have always known it was you I was meant to be with. You are so beautiful, so bold and ever-inspiring. I have never once hesitated to continue our journey together, a story now compiled of wild, beautiful memories and moments we have often captured through the lens on our adventures across the planet. I have always admired your intrigue, your willingness to take a chance, to risk it all - certain that the destination always warrants the journey. Of all the adventures we have been on, all the unbelievable destinations we have explored, this is the one that excites me the most. I can’t imagine a life without you and I feel so honored to be loved by you. You are my best friend and my whole world. I love you, I love us and I LOVE our story! • To our community: The love you show us, the interest you express in our story, is felt by us daily and we cannot tell you all how much we appreciate it. This raw moment, this whirlwind of excitement and pure happiness is one that we will hold close to us forever. The entire morning before this was taken I have never felt so nervous or anticipant, yet still so certain and confident - because I knew in my heart we were meant to be together forever. We debated keeping this video to ourselves but today, after staying so quiet, we just couldn’t contain it. We are honored to share this intimate moment with you because we love you all as well. Thank you all for your past support and in advance for your love for this new, upcoming chapter. • Thank you @matiasderada for helping us capture this and @couplesresorts for helping me make this moment possible!
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