同事廁所閒聊發現「彼此老公都在等腎臟移植」 兩人血型一驗剛好吻合-EYENEWS01

緣分就是如此巧妙!美國一家兒童保健中心的IT部門職員Tia Wimbush和Susan Ellis,雖然共事將近10年,但在辦公室裡卻只是點頭之交,沒想到2019年某次在廁所偶遇開啟聊天話題,卻改變了兩個人的人生。

▲▼兩個個女同事互捐腎臟給對方老公。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Children`s Healthcare of Atlanta)



直到今年3月終於如期進行手術,所幸4人手術都相當順利,而院內的腎臟疾病權威Christina Klein則表示:「這種情況真的很罕見,我2008年執業以來,幾乎沒看過這種情況。」

Children’s IT Employees Donate Life to Save Each Other’s Husband

When Tia and Susan, two colleagues in our IT department, suddenly found their own loved ones in the fight of their lives, the answer to both of their prayers was only a few cubes away. Within the same week, Tia and Susan’s husbands went into renal failure. After months of hospital admissions and routine dialysis, both men were placed on the kidney transplant list. Then a chance encounter at a bathroom sink offered hope: their blood types offered a good chance at being a match for the other’s husband. Fast forward to March 2021: Tia, Susan and their husbands underwent a successful paired kidney exchange transplant.

Yesterday, both women returned to our halls for the first time post-transplant—where they were welcomed “home” with a red carpet, hero’s salute and nary a dry eye from a joyful crowd of adoring colleagues.

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta 發佈於 2021年5月18日 星期二


via washingtonpost